• When will I get the delivery of my order?
    • The orders are typically dispatched within a day through reputable couriers like FedEx and should reach you in 5-7 days
  • Can I use any mobile number?
    • No, you should only use the Mobile number registered with MyCoach
  • I am not able to place the order
    • You can email mycoach@colmed.in with a specific issue / screenshot. Or you can also call at 9004500555
  • Can I get two meters
    • No, this offer allows only one meter per person
  • I need help with the meter
  • My code is showing used
  • How can I raise a complaint
    • You can email mycoach@colmed.in with a specific issue / complaint and someone will address it immediately.  You can also create a support ticket by clicking on Helpdesk.
  • How can I track my order?
    • You can click on ‘Track your Order’ in the footer and check the status by filling in your order number and phone number.
  • How can I correct my delivery information?
    • You can emailmycoach@colmed.in with a specific issue / screenshot. Or you can also call at 9004500555
  • I need advice on Toujeo
    • You can contact your MyCoach councillor for information regarding Toujeo
  • How to pay for this order
    • coach order are only payable thru Coupon Code. Other financial transactions are not permitted.
  • I did not get OTP on my phone
    • Sometimes there could be a network or SIM issue. We request you to try again after some time or with a different mobile number. If you are still not able to get OTP, please email mycoach@colmed.in or call at 9004500555.